Sunday, December 10, 2006 @Sunday, December 10, 2006
I'm all drained up~ Exhausted!
Lots of love,
Tuesday, December 05, 2006 @Tuesday, December 05, 2006

HohoHO! Merry christmas to everyone in advance!! *scream* I can't wait for Christmas to come soon!! Then I'll get a lot of presents and greetings from my belove friends and family!! Everyone will get da chance to gather together and enjoy that lovely christmas!! (: There will be cookies and MORE chocolates everywhere!! *drool* I'm so looking forward to it!! (: haha. I've been to town these days and almost all the christmas decoration are up already!! They're indeed beautiful and lovely! Especially when it's at night! When all the lights are on and everyone get the chance to admire the lovely scenery there!! Oh... This christmas I just wish to spend my time with my family and friends. Even if there aren't any presents, the time being spent with my friends and family is enough! Without you guys, I guess each year my christmas will definitely be lonely and boring. =( So I've to say " I love you all! xoxo" *huggs*
Here's something that happened during the red camp at ngee ann poly!
Day 1
We had to report to Ngee Ann by 8.30 for registration. Everyone came with their friends feeling uneasy with all the new unfamilar faces. I didn't expect that camp to be the greatest camp I ever had been. It was really fun and memorable although it was a educating camp! We had hell lots of fun hanging out together with the SLs at Ngee Ann. Especially Zaid and Bryan( the Mcs for the camp) They were really humorous and entertaining! Especially when we're feeling bored, they will sure make us feel excited about what's for lunch and dinner! On da first day of the camp, we had Mac for lunch! Woah. I had to say that Ngee Ann's damn filthy rich! They provided us with so delicious food and free goodiesbag! But I guess some of them was sponsored by the others companies!
Day 2
Second day of the camp was da best! We had our jam and hop at night!! It's fun and *high* We danced like nobodies' business!! Even Dei Gui and Benji were dancing with us too!! haha. I didn't expect the jam and hip to be that fun! I thought they were going to teach us how to dance or something!*grin* Then I turn out to be totally wrong! It's actually a mini- concert and everyone get to dance whatever they want!! How cool!! (: haha. Szerui, pam, mel, shuqing, benji and I had hell lots of fun together!! We jumped and shake everywhere! It's looked so funny with us jumping around like young kids!! But it's really fun to be jumping while dancing!! (: haha. Oh ya! i nearly forgotten to mention that we get to tour the school and know what's all the courses about. -sigh- But we didn't get the chance to toured the accountancy courses!! I thought that we will do that on day 3! But -sigh- Maybe next year!! haha. Oh ya! Ngee Ann really have got many handsome dudes and gorgeous babes! Everyone's looking and dressing up good! I wonder is it troublesome to be thinking of what to wear to school each day if i'm really studying at poly! haha. I'll definitely spend lots and lots of time thinking of what to wear each day! haha.
Day 3
There's actually not much on day 3 except that their food was really nice! *grin* We get to tour the nursing courses and everything. oh ya! Especially the part when one of them help to take out the goldfishes and messaging the stomach to see their eggs or sperms. Yike!~ It's really disgusting but quite fun lah! XD. I also got to learn how to clean up the babies! One of the nurse over there is really pretty! She looks really sweet and lovely with her nurse uniform! I bet many guys must be attracted to her sweet looking appearance! haha. Cos i was also attracted to her too!! (:
Sunday, December 03, 2006 @Sunday, December 03, 2006
-Phew!- I'm back from the Red camp at Ngee Ann poly!! Phew! I've really been so busy and packed this week again! Mon- Piano, Tue, Wed- Work at Manzana Thur, fri and sat- Ngee Ann poly red camp! Half way through the camp on Sat I left for work! =( I guess I've just missed out so much fun! X/ I heard that they took a lot of pic together!! Everyone was introducing themselves to one another! Oh ya! I really have to tell you all about this! Ngee ann poly just rawk to the core!! ;) I love their live bands especially their jam and hip!!! We had so so much fun dancing and jumping with the ongoing music!! *dance like nobodies; business*