Saturday, November 25, 2006 @Saturday, November 25, 2006
Boo! Ok, wed's chalet was more fun than what I have expected! Really. haha. We had lots of fun laughing and mocking at Dei Gui XD. That's really bad I know! Ytd, was really a hectic day for me too! I had to go for co at 10 to 3 and met qian and min straight at Bugis right after my co! -sigh- the train journey was really tiring then. I took from gombak to bugis all the way! I was so so lonely! =(( Then we took our dinner at pastamania, causeway point. haha. We had a hard time finishing our pizza!! *grin* So so funny. We were all full to the brim! No one had expected that we will be bloated that we couldn't take in anymore food!! *sigh* Today's another tiring and exhausting day for me again! I had to go for co for 3 consecutives days! thur, fri and sat! It's just like CO camp to me! It's just that there's no overnight! XD We're having our Swiss Open house tmr!! I hope everyone will be there to support us! CO rawks! (: (:
Monday, November 20, 2006 @Monday, November 20, 2006
*gosh gosh gosh*Boredness is really driving me nuts now!! :( This entry's gonna be short and sweet! This week I'm packed with all the hectic schedules! Monday- Piano lessons, Tue- CO, Wed-Chalet, Thur, Fri and Sat-CO and Sun- going to seoul garden with my buddies!~
Love you guys! bye for now!!
Thursday, November 16, 2006 @Thursday, November 16, 2006

Boo!~ Alright! I went to watch "Step up" with mx today at lot one and guess who we saw? YanMin and her bf, mx's mum and my "long lost primary skulmate!!" *Scream* It's just too coincidence right? Mx and I were both late 5 minutes for the show!! We missed the front part! -argh- How sad! =( We'd get to watch the front part! Luckily, the female lead wasn't out yet! Cause' the main point is I just wanna watch the male and female lead DANCE! XD
After the show, we headed for some fresh air as we were both shivering to cold. Omigosh!! The Cinema was really cold! We never thought that it would be THAT cold~~~ I suggest , next time we really needa bring along our sweather! haha. Somehow, I think out of boreness, Mx suggested that we should bake some cookies for po po's birthday, this coming Sat! She suggested that we should bake some tmr at her hs! -grin- We went to the library and find receipes for the cookies! All the receipes inside the books are too complicated to understand! Some of the ingredients cannot be found in Singapore! =( haiyooo... We ended up borrowing books on how to decorate our cookies instead! -haha-
We headed to the NTUC to buy the ingredients needed to bake the cookies. It was like a last-minute decision! XD We didn't planned how much cookies we were gonna bake, but i guess we just try to bake some. Btw, do you think plain flour can be use to bake cookies too? Cause' my mum always uses self-raising instead of plain flour. But I guess, we needa to be more accurate about the amount of baking powder we're going to put. Hopefully, after my dental tmr our COOKIES will turn out to be delicious!! (: God bless us!
Saturday, November 11, 2006 @Saturday, November 11, 2006
-A Regret before the Call from Heaven-
"Sheila. Are you free on Saturday night?"
Sheila hesitated. She had been waiting for Walcott to ask her out.
"Err.. Sure. Movie?"
Walcott nodded and said, "Alright. Meet you on Saturday night at 5 pm, at your place. I gotta go. Bye."
Sheila agreed and turned to Michelle who was behind her. She kept repeating to Michelle that Walcott had asked her out. Michelle smiled back to show that she was happy for her.
It was lunch break. Sheila, Michelle and another best friend of theirs, Jalene, were having their lunch together when Michelle started the conversation again by saying that Walcott had asked Sheila out.
"I'm sorry, Jalene. But he asked me out. Aren't you happy for me? A cute guy like Walcott asked me out!" Sheila showed her sarcasm to Jalene.
Jalene rolled her eyes and ignored the words from Sheila's lips. She kept on eating her lunch pretending that she did not care much. Thus, her heart was aching too much because she could not bear hearing that the guy whom she had a crush on was asking her best friend out, instead of her.
Back at home, Jalene wrote in her diary, letting out her anger about the guy who she had a crush on, had asked Sheila out. Sheila has never been her " real"best friend been friends with Sheila since primary school but their friendship was never in peace. They often fought and had conflicts with each other. Even small things could lead to big arguments. Once, they had a small argument on food and it had led them not talking to each other for weeks. Michelle, would always be the one settling things between the two of them.
Jalene remembered when they were in secondary one; Sheila, Michelle and she were again, in the same class. And, every time when Sheila and she fought, again, Michelle would always be the one who would help them settle things out. Thus, they changed class when they graduated to secondary two. Sheila and Michelle got better result and they changed to a better class. Since then, Michelle was always with Sheila and Jalene always got jealous.
So, Jalene called up Michelle and confided in her about Sheila. She could not stand Sheila bragging about going out with Walcott. Michelle listened to Jalene and asked her to ignore Sheila with her bragging. Michelle told her that it was not Sheila' fault in the matter of going out with Walcott as it was Walcott, himself who had asked Sheila out.
Jalene could not accept what Michelle had just said and hung up the phone. She started mumbling to herself and could not believe that Michelle was on Sheila's side.
Jalene went back to her diary and wrote a plan about getting rid of Sheila. Jalene had written down everything bad about Sheila and for destroying her friendship with Michelle.
It' s the night for Sheila and Jalene was looking forward to it, hoping her plan would succeed. Jalene was hiding behind Walcott' car, spying on them to make sure her plan will go on smoothly. She saw Walcott came with his red Porsche sports car arrived at Sheila' s house waiting for Sheila.
Upon knowing that Walcott had gone to the wrong house, he reversed his car without knowing that Jalene was hiding behind the car. Jalene shouted at him to stop but he couldn't hear her.
Walcott stopped. He turned and looked at the rear back mirror. He saw nothing. He rushed out of his car and checked what he had hit. He was shocked when he saw a familiar figure, bleeding and groaning, lying on the ground. He had been careless for not looking at the rear back mirror when he was reversing the vehicle. Walcott squatted down to the figure and stared at the face.
Sheila came running to Walcott' s side when she heard the loud sound. She too was shocked when she saw the lying figure on the road. It was Jalene. She squatted down beside the Walcott and got hold of Jalene' s hand. She could not hold back her tears and cried. She hugged Jalene and said, "Why is this happening? I love you, girlfriend. I need you and Michelle. Though you 're always been badly to me, I'm always ready to forgive you."
Jalene looked at Sheila and tried to smile. She turned at Walcott and said, “I love you once. But I got to go and meet heaven. I'm sorry for backstabbing both of you. I had written a plan to get rid of you, Sheila. I was jealous when I found out Walcott asked you out. I'm sorry again, girlfriend. Forgive me? Goodbye..."
Jalene could not finish her sentence and she stopped breathing. Her hand dropped from Sheila’s grip. Sheila burst into tears and put her head onto Walcott's shoulder. Walcott too, was crying but hoping that Sheila did not notice it. He felt guilty for hurting Jalene who had admired him secretly.
Walcott put his arm around Sheila and kissed her forehead. He looked at the sky and asked to God, "Why must Jalene do this? Why can't she tell me the truth before You take her away?"
By:Natalie & Syairah.
Friday, November 03, 2006 @Friday, November 03, 2006

woah. my shuaige ahda

omg. what's shuwei doing?


ahda's practising his dancesteps
*Scream!!* It had really been a fun and unforgettable day for me today! I will keep these memories close to my heart! I really thank God for making my wish came true today!! I wished that I would get to shake kunda's hand at the airport today and it was totally like a dream that came true!! Mink and I met early in the morning at CCK MRT platform to fetch ENERGY at the airport!! They arrived at the airport at 1 plus. At first, from far we thought that it's ENERGY and everyone esle started to scream!! haha. But, it turned out to be a group of guys who's not ENERGY! =.= haha. Making all of us feel like fools. Then finally, we saw ENERGY and his colleages!! From far, I could simply recognise Kunda!! He's just so shuai with his spec and cap on!! Handsome cool dude! *Obsessed by his charms and ENERGY's latest sentimental love songs which was written by him- Ai Shi Kong!* Cause, I only paid attention to Kunda* I did not see ShuWei on that day, I heard from the other fans that Shuwei wore spec and caps and long sleeve to cover up himself. I guess he's just too tired after the long tiring flight! (: Oh ya! Here comes the most exciting and memorable part! When Energy arrived at the arrival hall, everyone screamed for them! * like all typical fans do when they get to see their idol!* It was wise of them to come in a huge group so as not to be easily identify by us! Anyway, I recognised Kunda and shook his RIGHT hand!! haha. The hand which he uses to sign his autograph! The hand which he uses mostly left hand to shake all his fans' hands during autograph session! I felt so warmed and secured when I shook Kunda's hand cos I was shivering to cold at the airport! My hand was so cold when I shook his hand, I bet he must be thinking why this girl's hand was so cold! -haha-I was so so blithe then! I even shook ahdi's hand with my left hand! haha. Well, although that few minutes may seemed short, but it will remain deep in my heart forever which kept repeating its flashback repeatedly! (: ilu ahda! (: *aishikong*
After fetching Energy, jm and I headed for work! -argh- We simply dont feel like going to work! I wanna go to energy's autograph session at chinatownpoint!! =( cos jm got the tickets and I will be able to get their autograph!! Nvm, There will surely be next time, I will surely go to their autograph session >_<
It was really tiring after work then, my work ended at 9:30 and jm and I shopped at marina square even after a hectic schdule! Both of us bought our shoes! haha. I got home around 12 that day! omg. I was so so tired but blithe till I couldn't slp that night! *thinking of ah da*(((((:
Love ya, nat love da