Friday, July 28, 2006 @Friday, July 28, 2006
- What a long week!! -
Phew! Finally this week has come to an end! I'm so elated that weekends are here! Cos, I really need some time to rest with hectic schedule in school! Yesterday, I rememebered how tired I was in school, especially we had two continuous remedials. Yesterday, school only ended at 2:10pm, but we still had two remedials till 5:10pm. It was REALY tiring especially when teacher wants to rush in teaching one whole new chapter within an hour. It was pouring heavily outside too. Everyone was so tired in class, trying their very best to copy down the notes that teacher had given us. I got home only at 5:45pm. I was so so tired but satisfied that I did spend my time wisely that day! (:
Today, I'm packed again! I had my dental appointment at 0230pm. Mum and I were so tired that we took cab there! haha. Luckily, I was on time for my dental appointment too! My Doc just cut off the wire that are hurting my gums that cause my so much pains! Phew! FINALLY!! Pain no more! Then we took bus back home, since we decided that we should take a walk back home. I'm starting to realize that actually taking a walk back home is really a good way of relieving stress! Plus, strolling is a good way to exercise!!
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL'S CD OUT IN THE STORE!! Woohoo! I wanna buy! But I've got no time to go HMV cos exam's near!! I need study!! study study!! My N level Prelim's near and my chinese O's result's coming back to me too! May GOD bless me!! (:
Oh ya!
Friday, July 21, 2006 @Friday, July 21, 2006
Woohoo!! Finally back from outside. After such a long and tiring day!! But I should say, a long and meaningful day indeed! =) haha. Today, was my school's annual sport day!! Woohoo!!~ GREEN HOUSE GOT THE SECOND for the overall championship!! Though, they did not beat RED house! But we've tried so hard to be the top 3, when we still can't get the top 3 few years back then! We did it!! woohoo!~ =)
haha. I still remembered how me, mel, mink, yj,xj, melissa(N1) cheered so loudly, or should i say scream? oops. haha. anything! Both i should say. "cheered" till my voices nearly gone. haha. I've tried so hard to control my mood. I keep telling myself to control, not to become to "high" and lose my voice as, i'll still will be having my chinese oral later. Control control control.... till i can't control anymore. HAHA!!
After sport day, I headed to westmall with qian, mink and yj for lunch! We ate Mac! haha. AGAIN? The new fries totally taste aweful. haha it's too salty i think. then I headed back to home alone after such a long tiring day for that stupid oral.
Night came, my dental appointment! So packed hor? haha. But I love it! =) I think i'm going crazy. ok. gonna stop here. mel. i love you. haha. =p We rocks! p.s: hey, if you gg to town tmr, can help me to buy the girlfriend mag? haha.
Thursday, July 13, 2006 @Thursday, July 13, 2006
- Went fotos crazy in sch today!! -
It's been 3 weeks since sch started and I'm used to it!! Probably it's because exam's round the corner~ haha. I knew that every week sch will be so hectic and stressful. But I'm sooooo gonna get used to it. Well, I thought sch's really fun for me especially my day spent with mel!! haha! WE gossiped and chit-chat during classes and lessons. Obviously not during teacher's teaching. haha. yup. Today, we were released at 2:10 and our remedial starts at 3:45. We spent our time taking lots and lots of fotos!! haha. It was so fun then. haha. We even had our GIRL TALK. I meant REAL GIRL TALK. haha. Shh.... My lips are sealed up. Xp. We even took lots of silly pic, making shu qing thinks that we were really so obsessed in ourselves. haha. She kept on shaking her head and insisted me not to take anymore pic using my hp and let her play with my hp's games instead. haha. obviously, i told her later. haha.


Nat and mel

See how *HARDWORKING*i am? HAHA.

my hand, mel's hand.

Mary-kate and ashley!!

Blue crystal solid!!

During our Chemistry lessons, we were in the chem lab doing some experiments...
Friday, July 07, 2006 @Friday, July 07, 2006
- Turning 16 after today-
Wow! Time really files! I'm soon turning 16 after today!! I'm like left with less than 1 hr to be still 15 years old. XD. Felt like i'm really getting older. haha. Somehow, I feel that turning 16 means that I'm able to act like a real mature and sensible young adult. ;) You know, no longer preventing myself from watching NC16. haha. I alway told myself that it's my sweet sixteen after today! =) For, I'm gonna lead my life with fun and enjoyment. I must enjoy every moment of life, be it happiness or sorrows. It's just the processes that we'll need to go through. I just don't seem to know why I dont seem to be looking forward towards my birthday. Probably, my bro affected my mood and the enthu to my birthday. I seem to be so down and moody... ahh ahhh ahh... Whatever~ I like dont know waiting for who to wish me happy birthday. My friends? haha. not yet. Family? only sister. parent are asleep~ WELL, whatever it is! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! =)