Friday, March 31, 2006 @Friday, March 31, 2006
- Was it good to know so much things? -<br>
Alright! Today's cross-country had just passed and I'm feeling so tired now. haha. My face and hands were kiddi tanned now. haha. Due to over exposure of the Sunlights. haha. But I do kiddi love that tanned then. haha. I think I must have went deranged then. Pardon me for that huh? Awww... Wahaha. After our cross-country, I headed to Cause-way Point with my juniors. peiming, nett, yuheng, xuanhan, junda,waeting and JK. haha. They decided to buy presents for us! (*all the sec 4 for plucking-strings) haha. *thanks ya* as we're all stepping down soon. haha. I will definitely miss them a lot. (: We headed to Mac for our lunch and decided to stop at more than words shop to buy those prezzies. haha. I have no choice but to leave that shop cos I needa made myself unseen when they're paying the presents. XD haha.
Well, I really learnt a lot of things since this outing. Hmm... I found out a lot of things which I didn't took notice at all right from da start!! (woah?!) Xuan Han ar. haha. Not bad! still got a lot of people jio. =p wahaha. -argh- felt kiddi
*jealous* lor. Err... am I thinking too much? (must be la) Maybe becos, I don't like sharing my juniors with the others? Or maybe I miss him too much. *shoo* back to main point.
Ok. Headed to IMM with Junda and xuanhan after going to cause-way point then. haha. They ask to pei jiu tag along lor. haha. woah. after a long tiring walk, finally reached IMM. wahaha. Then they met sinting to retrieve the cakes for tmr!! Celebrations!! whee~ (: haha. I'm gonna miss them soon. Hope that I wont weep tmr. Swiss co rawks! (:
Yuan Chao: aiya. Don't be sad liao la. There's still hope for ur top 20 list right? Still got next year de. jia you wor. (: This year, you just miss one to get into top 20. You can do it de! Trust me (:
Woah. Time to do my homework le. I've still got piles of homework yet to be completed. I intend to complete my chinese homework by today!! haha (:
I love you! Oh, God above! Help me to stop that love beyond that... ... Cos, I knew that it's totally impossible for us. I do not want my impulse to make a huge mistake. It's really impossible when one only treated you as their sister- and nth beyond that. Especially when their age are different. X/ That's the worst part~
Thursday, March 30, 2006 @Thursday, March 30, 2006
Boo! Wow! It's cross-country for my sch tmr! It will be at the MacRitchie Resevoir! Hmph! Our sch want us to report at there by 7:15am! It's way too early you know? Hmph. X/ I needa catch some sleep. Recently, I guess I'm depriving of sleep. I needa have a real good sleep. It would be the best if I get to sleep during rainy days. HAHA. Sleep sleep sleep. Argh! But that's still piles of homework yet to be done! -argh!- =(
Guess what? haha. Min and I decided to rebel our sch by wearing our normal pe attire rather than the green house t-shirt! haha. Cos it totally looked so awkward when we wear green at the top and green below. haha. Bet we will definitely get to camouflage among those trees grass. wahaha. =p
P.s: I miss you! Haiss... though I know that you're down. Don't be ok? Don't forget I'm always here with and for you! Though, you may not know or even appreciate it, I want you to be happy and successful in life. (: Strive far and continue to jia you! Love ya.
Monday, March 27, 2006 @Monday, March 27, 2006
- Swiss CO Nite was a successful one! -
"It's over! =((" I'm so sad! I miss CO! Wow! Time really flies and our concert's over. I'm like so sad now. =(( I miss my juniors especially xuan han, yu heng, nett, waeting!!! =(( so sad.. haiss. haiss. What's happening to me? -argh- After sat, all the sec 4's gonna step down le. I'm so sad now lor. No more CO, no more fun! X/ I' miss you guys.
P.s: I'm gonna treasure tmr and sat with guys. *(:
Saturday, March 25, 2006 @Saturday, March 25, 2006
Smile for the tomorrow! -
Wow! Days passes so fast! It was like woosh!~ And it's
our Swiss Orchestra Nite tmr!! At
Singapore Conference Hall at 5:30pm!! haha. (: I am simply excited and looking-forward to it. Hopefully, my yangqin wont be so out-of- tune when I reached SCH!
God Bless me! (:
I'm so glad that my
cousin, mum and sis will be there to support me tmr!! haha. (: *huggs* Thanks ya. haha. Hmm.-argh- my hands hurts so much after carrying my yangqin *jiao* it's was really fun today. We headed to Jurong Point after our Co practice. haha. yeihearn, xuan han, wei zhe, joson, waeting, shang fei, xiangling, me, nett were there. Err.. Did i missed out anyone? haha. yup. we were all decidiing what to but for mr yeo. err. we bought crocodile t-shirt for him. err. it' cost 37 bucks. err. i think that' it was rather cheap then. we expected it to be 50 bucks or so. wahaha. Afterall,it was at a discount price too. haha.
Chun and
da-li-qing-feng' are gonna turn out to be the best! (; I must do my part! (:
Nothing is impossible unless you stop trying!
(: really. Nett nett ar. Don't be depressed anymore ok? Don't bother about those things too much. It's just parts and parcels of our lives. (: *huggs*
Friday, March 24, 2006 @Friday, March 24, 2006
- * 2 more days to go till Our SWISS ORCHESTRA NITE 2006!!! *-
*S-CR-EA-M!!* I'm so damn nervous and am'
looking-forward to our Swiss Orchestra Nite which is on this coming Sunday! At
Singapore Conference Hall, 5:30pm. Those who bought the tickets to support us! I really thanked you guys so so much!! (: haha. You guys totally rawks!! haha. One really great news!
Our tickets are so over-whelming that our tickets are oversold!! -Gosh!- (X
Ok! I'm gonna do my
BEST ON SUNDAY!! I do believe in
myself and My dear God!! (: Cos' only you know how much hard work I've put in! (; We're gonna play many great pieces of songs!! (: Guess what? I'm totally so
EXCITED NOW!! HAHA. I still remembered how supportive my class were. They intend to come for the rehearsals instead since we've got not enough tickets for the actual CO and they're going to be our ushers for CO!! haha. I love you guys! You guys really rawks!! (: haha. Da-li-qing-feng's gonna be a nice one indeed! Trust me! ;)
P.s: Believe in Yourself that you can do it! Trust yourself! (:
Wednesday, March 22, 2006 @Wednesday, March 22, 2006
- *4 more days to go!*-
4 more days to go till our Swiss Orchestra Nite!! (: I'm so
looking-forward to it. But I know that I'll definitely miss my friends alot. =( Especially,
qian,min, nett, yei hearn, shu fen, shang fei, ning, wae ting, Xuan han many many many... haha. It's too many to be mention!! I'll definitely misses qian's lame jokes, ning's peaceful mood, nett's always acting, tryin to be funny and it's totally humorous. haha.
-argh- Right now, I'm damn pissed off with THAT
phua De Gui!! That disgusting, irritating, fellow. Who kept on perstering my friends and I. Do you even actually know how to read my status or do you even know how to read english? I bet you don't. Cos' you seem not to understand what I've just said. LOL~ argh whatever~ Let's just
not waste our time one such ppl~
Ok! Mel! I'm blogging right now k? haha. =P Cos you asked me to update something!! I'm like blogging something right now.. Sch's getting exciting for me I guess since,
Sunday's approaching near soon!!! hah!! (; All the best to us! God Blessed us!! ((:
P.s: Nothing is impossible unless you stopped trying...
Friday, March 17, 2006 @Friday, March 17, 2006
- Disney On Ice was totally Fab!! -
haha!! Thanks to my bro, I've got free tickets to watch Disney On Ice!! It was totally awesome!! haha. I simply just LURVE their skills and how they skated gracefully!! It totally made me felt really motivated to learn skating again! Wahahaha... I still rmb how I used to step into Jurong shopping centre to skate. I was like "omg! help!~" haha. Then I held on so tightly onto the grip bars. haha. It was so funny and maluating then. It was when I saw Sam!! ( my pri skul, really best friend, who's currently in London now.) I was like, woah! Look how skillful she skated!! haha. I still rmb she taught me abit too. haha. Was so funn!! haha. Aww... I misses her so much. haha. Hope she will be back from London soon.. (:
haha. Don't know why, I kept thinking about all the princesses and princes that I've saw just now! aww... There's the Cinderella, snow white, Belle, Little Mermaids!!, MuLan, many more. haha. there'are also finding Nemo and Incredible!! haha. It totally rawks!! I lurve how they sang and skated gracefully like the wind~ AWw.. They looked like they're into a wonderland~ Magical realm~ woah... Hope I was here dancing with them too. (: haha. aww... I so wanna skate now... =P
p.s: Colours of the winds~
Tuesday, March 14, 2006 @Tuesday, March 14, 2006
whee~ I simply can't wait for tmr to come!! haha. We're gonna head to
east coast park tmr!! haha.
yh, qian, min, nett and ning's gg!! It will be totally so funn!! I simply can't wait. haha. ((X haha. Since I'm so lazy to blog, haha. let me just post some pic! haha.

Took this with mx when we're at my cousin's hs. haha.
Sunday, March 12, 2006 @Sunday, March 12, 2006
-What a day?! -
woah! It's time I think that i should
delete off those people whom I
don't know them, in my friendster acc. -argh- They added me and I thought they will even actually me in the first place. haha. Then after looking thru their acc. Nah. I don't know them. wahaha. It's funny huh? it's been so long since then. haha.
Well, it's really been a long long day for me ytd and today. haha. Ytd, I headed to skul for CO early in the morning. It was really tiring though, but instead i
persevere on. My hands really hurts so much after carrying my own instruments. But thanks to
xuan han, my hands wont hurt that much as he helped me to carry me yq, while i carry my yq *jiao* haha. Thanks ya. (: We moved our instru to the skul hall and practice. It was really hectic. I felt like i really suffered from lungs damaged after the whole co practice. -argh- All
THANKS to that
*pesticides* being sprayed. -argh-
I went home early, aunty and cousin were at my hs. Then my dad got to fetch me to town. Cos I 've got
dental appointment in the noon at far east plaza then. haha. So headed
town in the noon. Just to take my x-ray for my teeth and sort of entire mouth. Hmm. with just THAT x-ray. It costs
120 bucks. LOL waited so long for the results. Hmm. but nvm cos that place was
nicely decorated, felt really comfortable in it. haha. with all the
romantic dim lights and really nice
classical music. haha. It was really a nice place for me to slp at. HAHA. XD
Hmm, headed to
crystal jade for dinner. yummy yummy. haha. But had my dinner so late then. Cos we wasn't feeling that hungy then. haha. Then went
shopppingggggg!!! haha.
Day 2_(today)
Headed for breakfast today and
ate dim sum. It's delicious (: haha. then went to watch i not stupid 2. It's nicer than the part 1. haha. it's really touching movie. *thumbs up* (: haha. way to go!~then bro went to buy new hp and headed to my aunty's hs for dinner. played with
bingo and bellbell (golden retriever) they are really adorable. Err... Not to mention, a'lil insane though. XD wahaha. yup. yay. movie time. gtg.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006 @Wednesday, March 08, 2006
-Stressed-up life-
Alright, this is gonna be
short and sweet. (: Hmm. due to time constraint, i'll most definitely have lesser time to update my blog then. haha. stressed stressed stressed. tests tests tests. -argh- It was totally hectic. hmph. for goodness sake, I just simply can't balance my bank reconciliations test today! -argh- I was damn sad and frustrated with that pathetic teacher who often test us on things that we have not learnt at all. I was damn pissed off with him. I scolded him and he just gave that
*evil laughter* -argh- That very moment, I really felt so much like
slappping him. X/
Mel and I had a great time together today! well, i should say, everyday, friday, freaky day!! haha. *crazy us* We were always giggling in class.
Gossiping, planning of how to spent our holis together, what time we'll gonna be online, hit town, LAME jokes and girls stuff. magazines, mary-kate and ashley!! haha. We were happily chatting away... =P So happy. rmb posh and classy mel? *grin* Love ya loads girl!
*muacck* (;
I miss qian, min and ning so much. Ever since sec4s, we've been drifiting apart ( in terms of contacting one another, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT OUR RELATIONSHIP ARE BEING AFFECTED, IT'S STILL
I miss you girls. Nvm. I believe holis, we'll be meeting more often right? haha. I've got plans. *grins* lala~ Love ya, strive far! (;
Never frown, as you will never know who might fell in love with ur smile. ((X so
Saturday, March 04, 2006 @Saturday, March 04, 2006
-Is that fate or coincident? -
woah... Thinking back, it was really
paranoid when I just don't feel like gg to skul at
-ALL- But, nevertheless, I still turn up. (: I was really feeling so
exhausted and weary. slept
less than 6 hours, just to redo all my compo and corrections for teacher. [well, that was what I requested from miss lam to let me redo everything de. (: see? I'm just being so
good. (: ] -haha-
Err... Woke up at
6am today. haha. -so early right?- haha CO starts only at 8 then I woke so early for what? haha. [To continue doing finish my chinese corrections!! ] haha. Cos last night, I went for my
dental appointment at eight. haha. The dentist and my mum were like talking about how my teeth are gonna be when my
braces are stored/ attached. haha. Then he was like checking my teeth, or rather investigating on my teeth like some sort of really
complicating puzzles. haha. Then, he gave me something to put into my teeth. I just felt so damn uncomfortable!! -argh- But nvm, to look better, I've got to do my teeth. haha. just
*ren* lor. =p haha.
Today, we had CO in the
HALL!!-argh- I was really feeling damn
uncomfortable with those really lousy fans in the skul hall. I perpire so much. Felt so dirty, wanna have a
nice cold bath. haha. (: well, after much hours of practice, finally it's over!! yeah!! haha. XD Then headed to west mall with
nett, wt and qian. haha. Drank
coffee beans as my lunch, cos just don't feel like eating. =( Then mum called and said that we're gg to visit my aunty! haha. then I' will get to see my
new born baby cousin!! (: whee~
-argh-. guess what? Headed to
suntec city today. Guess who i saw? LOL. Sport car. It was totally blue blue blue. -argh- I was strolling into the mall when I happened to see performance gg on. LOL. Next thing i know, i landed at the army corner, some sort of promoting some things. Which i'm totally not interested to find out. X/ I tried walking away, but mum just pulled my forward and gosh. saw someone familar. and Teddah!~
walk away confidently, never did thought of turning back... ...
Thursday, March 02, 2006 @Thursday, March 02, 2006
-Over the moon-
-grin- heh heh. I was so
blithe when I manage to balance my Balance sheet for my Final Acc test ytd! Whee~ Lala~ -grin- =P Hmm... But let me first just say, my combine humanities for CA1 was 89! =/ (but i didnt manage to beat
that person, but i will. ((X ) heh heh.
Today, in class I was so tired! My eyes just felt really tired and wanna shut. haha. Especially during Mr. Wong's lessons. -argh- I know I know, that he's a really nicey person. (: haha. sorry! XD
-argh!- I miss hitting town. I wanna shop shop shop. I wanna buy my Nike bag! I wanna buy my heels! =( So many desires... ...
I wanna God's love too. (: