Saturday, February 25, 2006 @Saturday, February 25, 2006
-Sleeping Beauty... ...-
Boo!! Back here to blog again! Well, first of all, I woke up at 6:30am today for sch. I just don't know why each time I go for cca, I'll be extremely exhausted. Like I've wasted alot of energy on practising my instru. Hmph. Why do I feel this way all the time? Shouldn't it be more relaxing? Why do I always give myself so much stress and expectations? -argh- I'm really so sick and tired. I simply do not know why I always feel like blogging only whenever I felt really pissed off and sick. -argh- I need a walk or something. REALLY. I need to hit town and shop , shop and shop till I drop. Haha. Shopping makes me feel alot better!! (: Hopefully, I'll be out tmr! I Hope so. (:
Right now, I'm just so tired!! -Yawn- Let's just turn off the lights and turn in... ...

Isn't Ashley gorgeous? I simply love her hair~

Aww... she's so pretty!!

Ashley(left), Mary-kate (right) Ashley's prettier right? (: haha
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 @Wednesday, February 22, 2006
-Even if the Sun refuse to Shine, I'll still have
my heart until the end of time-
Boo! Back here! I wish I would quickly
graduate out of this sch. It's boring with these people around me. I'm totally so
sick and tired!! -argh- I've got two tests today!
Physics and Maths. Hmph! I was totally cracking my head to do the math questions =( Hmm. Fortunately, I managed to complete it just in time. -haha- Well, only shuqing, me and Joshua took the test today as we've got performance ytd and we couldn't take the test Obviously, the class wasn't THAT
SHUT THEIR BLOODY MOUTH UP X/ -argh- Was damn pissed off then.
Back to the good news. For all i know, I'll be damn busy when time comes then. I'm having my
dental appointment this friday and
piano lesson s on every fri too. woah. -gosh- Damn fast! whee~ (:
P.s: Live it up, girl!! (: I know that you can do it!!
Monday, February 20, 2006 @Monday, February 20, 2006
Perseverance is the key to
-LAUGH IT OUT- =P Ok. There aren't any remedials today as it was being cancelled! I was totally blithe! haha. (: No remedials. -haha- I was kind of glad that I did conduct well for my plucking-string piece! (: Cheers! haha. Everything just turn out fine!
I've thought things thru. It's
nth to get sad over it. you know. It's just our sch's standards are higher and sort of. And perseverance is the key to success. Moreover, I've just have to bear it WITH FOR 2 YEARS!!! (:
truely FASHIONISTA~ shop shop shop till you drop. =p
Friday, February 17, 2006 @Friday, February 17, 2006
-Confession of a broken heart-
Hey! Well, today was really a
terrible day for me! Unfortunately, I felt that I've lost so much
PRIDE. -argh- Aww... Thanks to that pathetic teacher~ "rolling my eyes."- Can't you just spared a thought for people? X/ Whatever~
Lindsay Lohan's Confession of a broken heart really rawks!
; Daughter to father, daughter to fatherI am broken, but I am hopinDaughter to father, daughter to fatherI am crying, a part of me's dyingAnd these are, these are the confessions of a broken heart. I just felt totally so downcast today.
Well, I should say that today's Co was really a great one. I couldn't stopped playing when I was totally enjoying myself! (: -haha- I must said that they played really well today! (: "Loud applause of us" (:
-LAUGH IT OUT- I really wished that I've got bulimia. -HAHA-
When one door closes another opens. But often we look so long so regretfully upon the closed door that we fail to see the one that has opened for us --- Alexander~
Thursday, February 16, 2006 @Thursday, February 16, 2006
Live for tomorrow-
Boo!~ It's time I blog! (: haha. Well, I was so happy today when teacher announced that remedials were being cancelled!
Whee~ -HAHA- I just shouted
"yes! No remedials today!" HAHA. Then Mr. Wong saw me shouted these and he was like, gave me -that kind of look- haha. It was totally amazing! Like for the very first time [ well, actually it's like only a month] teacher would cancelled the remedials!! haha. -cool- haha. I thought I could go home early and rest! haha. Well, I ate lunch at KFC with min today at Lot one. Haha. We bought the combo set meal. haha. I eat the zinger meal while she ate the chicken meal? Err.. Is that called chicken meal? [whatever~] XD haha. Well,
Min kept saying that i'm so
blur. -argh- and she kept telling me how painful her stomache was. X/ -argh- anw, it was really fun having lunch with her. haha (:
-right!- There's
CO tmr! Time for me to keep on practising!! (: haha. -alright- Time for me to have my beauty sleep! (:
truely Fashionista~
Tuesday, February 14, 2006 @Tuesday, February 14, 2006
-Happy Valentine's Day (:-
Boo!~ It's Valentine's day today! -haha- and I've recieved loads of gifts from my friends. *thks ya loads* (: haha.
-Yawn- I'm really tired! Just came back from sch 1hr ago. -grin- Oops! haha. We pon CO. Hmm. I totally knew that it was really bad. But as I'm not feeling so well after all my stacks of hmwk not yet completed. -You know, that kind of feelings when you can't get things done quickly- With all those incomin tests, I don't think I wanna stress up my body too. So, I thought that my body ought to have some rest from cca! (: It's no
There's something that really kept me motivated all the time. My dreams! (: My wonderful future lying ahead of me. That very path I need to chose to walk and run fast. Like an
soar so high above
the sky. That very moment will be the moment where I can fly freely(:
Well, -you know-, Things in life aren't always that smooth-sailing, and it's totally right! Especially when your eyes wont listen to you and just felt like shutting down all the time. -
HAHA- yar? Especially when you're in class, wanting to keep yourself to full-attentions to listen to teacher's teaching. haha. XD Aww. I totally miss my
former class 2N1!! haha. (: It's totally so fun together. haha. Especially when me and min gets to laugh and joke in class. -grin- Those were very sweet memories! (: Don't forget that we promise to keep in touch after our O' levels (: haha.
QIAN, MIN, NING, NAT. The four of us. (: Especially when it's after your O levels k? Don't forget me and min. (: haha.
Recently, I've been pampering myself with
loads of choc and sweets. haha.
DE-LI-CIOUS~ haha. =P like I've said sometimes, I really hope that I've got bulimia like some other celebrities who went on extreme diets. HAHA.-LAUGH IT OUT-
Saturday, February 11, 2006 @Saturday, February 11, 2006
Boo! I'ts time I blog!! (: haha.
WHEE~ It's another saturday! Well well well... actually there aren't anything special happened today. I woke up at 6:30am today. For your information, to dress-up. =p haha. you know.
Girls take
a lot of time dressing up don't they?
-grin- went for CO today! I'm so proud of MYSELF!! -smile- -SCREAM!!- I managed to play the whole daliqinfeng!! haha. (: Then yiting and some of the seniors came back to swiss! haha. Well, actually they still look the same. haha. (: Glad that they could still remember us!! haha. Heard from yeihearn that the performance at the Jurong police headquarter wasn't that smooth-sailing. Hmph X/. They don't even applause after they performed alright? Hmph X/ that's totally so *bad* of them!! -argh-
WHEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~ haha. I went to take a look at Northvale condo today! It totally rawks to core!! It's totally more spacious compare to other condo!! woohoo~ Ny parent are deciding to move house. Hopefully to there!! (: -smile- haha. blithe me!! (: haha. Here are some of the facilities available at there. Swmming pool, gym, basketball court, social lounge, two playground, tennis court. I think that's about it I know. haha. It's totally so cool!!
Qian and Ning did not turn up for CO today. Qian was sick and Ning? I don't know how come she did not turn up. -haha- Unless she pon ar?... ... My cousins and aunties are all at my hs now. Hmm. Heard them saying that we're probably going to my uncle's condo tmr! Hmm... am' still deiciding whether to go anot. Cos i've still got a lot of
upcoming tests. -sheesh!- how now brown cow?! =( But I wanna join in the fun too!! I wanna go to attend
church too!!
;fair lady on the aisle......
Wednesday, February 08, 2006 @Wednesday, February 08, 2006
-To smile because of tomorrow...-
Heyy! Here's some things that I've gone through today. It was really pathetic that I stained my shirt and skirt becos of that ironic Sec 5 guy!? X/ -argh- I was holding on to my cup of watermelon juice when he suddenly turned and banged against me! -argh- I was so pissed off. Luckily Raymond was there! I asked him to hold on to my drink and quickly rushed to the washroom. -argh- It was really so nice of him to hold on to my drink then. XD. *thks* =)
Fortunately, my friends were there to help me out!! Melly and Min were there!! *thks loads ya* =) haha. *applause for you guys!* haha. Hmm. Guess what? there were no remedials today. -argh- It wasted spending my time on waiting. -argh- =( If not I would be at home sleeping doing wdever things I wanted to. -argh- It's really frustrating. okkay. Enough of all the sulkings. XD.
Somehow, I just think that Kelly is kind of gorgeous. -Not to mention, kind of.- haha. Yup. But she's not as pretty as last time. yup. Mary-kate and Ashley rawks!! =))
Saturday, February 04, 2006 @Saturday, February 04, 2006
-Someday I will... ...-
Is this the kind of "trust" that you've given me? By accusing your closest love ones? 1 hr ago, I was torn into millions pieces. I keep on playing *Behind this hazel eyes*- by Kelly Clarkson. It just suits my feelings and mood. My angers and my pains. "Cos' I can't breathe, I can't slp, 'm barely hanging on. Here i am, once again, 'm torning into pieces... ..." I told myself, m' not gonna let all these affect me. My future that lies ahead of me. I'm gonna be strong. That's what 'm gonna do. =) It's not gonna affect me. No way~ Nothing stops me. I MEAN NOTHING.
Thursday, February 02, 2006 @Thursday, February 02, 2006
-What a DAY?!-
-right- supposedly, we thought that Dong fang billy will be coming to my house ytd. We were wrong, it's today. But with the last minute tight schedule, he can't come today and right now, it's changed to another day instead. Obviously, it causes loads of troubles! -argh- well, I rushed home! just to be at home early to prepare myself as no one was at my hs then. My cousins even cancelled her tuitions lessons to her students, my cousins all rushed heading to my hs after sch. yt has to rush all ta way from orchard to cck. LOL~ and that billy in the end, didn't turn up. X/ ok. nvm. mayb he's way too 'busy' with his wdever things~ yup. ok. i'll be *gracious* =) haha.
Sch was reopened on wed! Then on ta first day, remedials resumes back to norm again! -argh- from 2:40-5:40!! -argh- when will there be no remedials for a day? -so tired- But luckily, am' stitting with melly!! haha. So fun. We were talking abt girl stuffs and all abt those celebrities. haha. -Mary-kate and Ashley rawks!-, -Paris Hilton-, -Hilary Duff-, -Like Lindsay Lohan looked much much better when she's cubbier as she lost her *energetic-look* after her extreme diet which is totally aweful.- etc. haha. so fun! Then we laughed how Mr. Ho looked like when he teaches us! wahahaa. He gave us such -wanna-laugh face- whenever we see him. wahaha. Can't believe how he actually continue teaching us. -grin-
You know what? Whenever I gets really bored, I'll just talk rubbish. Making all those weird and funny noise. haha. Especially i'm in class. listening to teacher "singing lullaby" -wahaha- Then melly will just follow me, and we'll just go on. wahaha. then tad johnny will ask me to shut up. =(( -argh- so bad of him. But eventually, I still got him back. wahaha. -grin- *weird* I'm actually talking abt my class thingy. haha. alright. time for me to have my beauty slp. =) Good night!
p.s: Take care all my peeps! =) Don't tired yourself too much k?