Saturday, December 31, 2005 @Saturday, December 31, 2005
-Totally pissed off-
Get lost. I dont even actually wanna see you anymore. simply. I wont wanna waste my precious youth time on such idiotic fellow. Forget it. get lost. out of my life.
p.s: whoever's readin this. this is a totally pissed off post. get lost if you're here to intrude into my life~ cos i dunn care anymore~
Monday, December 26, 2005 @Monday, December 26, 2005
-My feets hurt so much wearing siletto-
haha!! ok. am' here to blog again. Hmm. ok. Christmas was spent with my bestfriends ytd. heh heh!! *grinning*. We hitted town. haha. It was fun shopping, gossiping, chilling around, eating, crapping. haha. well, it's girls stuff la. haha. (:
well, ytd was like I headed to the church first early in the morning. I woke up at 8am then to wash and clean up myself n DUH~! haha. to doll up too. haha. =p haha. well, Errr... actually church starts at 10am early in the morning. and GOsh!we're late. AGAIN!! haha. XD oops.
Ok. We sang christmas carols and said grace. ((: haha. then we headed for some snacks and food. haha. Well, it tastes unplesant. haha. XD mayb to me only. haha.
Then yt brought my sis and her sis back to her hs, while I went meeting my girlfriends at cck mrt platform. We were supposed to meet inside thet train then. But gosh!~ it's terrible! so many people. *faint* wahaha.Can't expect myself to suffocate and die there. haha. XD
But well, finally we met inside the train!! haha. We were so *high* when we met each others!! haha.. *huggs* haha. WE exchanges prezzies on the train. wahhaa. We took random picks. haha. But in the end, it turns out to be picking our own prezzies instead. =_= haha. funny us!! ok. I bought lipgloss for qian. haha. hope she like it k? (: haha. Ok I recieve a lovely girraffe keychain from qian. wahaha. it's cute. really. ((: haha. anything from them it's nice la. haha. ;))
am' so lazy to blog now. haha. alot of things to blog abt. wahaha. crappy me! XD lala~! am' so glad to have ning, min and qian around with me when i needed them so much. ((: ok. I learnt to be more optismistic and tend to look things on the brighter sides of life. Enjoy my life and treasure and love my loves ones whole heartedly. ((: Love MUH FAMILY, MUH FRIENDS, MUH BEARS,MUH HP,MUH COM, MUH MP3,MUH CHOC DELIGHT, MUH BF? AI? HAHA. aiya. XD MOST IMPORTANTLY, I LURVE MYSELF!! *BIG SMILE*(((((((((: HAHA.
eek! how come everyone looked so weird? haha.
Saturday, December 24, 2005 @Saturday, December 24, 2005
-The christ of Jesus-
The call of the present
The life of the mother of Jesus was simple and plain. She did the tasks that others did at her age, learning how to be a good homemaker for her future husband. There was nth out of ordinary abt her eternal life.
Yet what treasures of grace lie concealed in Mary's attitude! When the angel announced that her child would be called "the Son of God," she responded, "Let it be to me according to your word" (luke 1:38)
Her answer contained all that our Lord requires- the pure, simple submission of the soul to his will. This is the secret of mary's deep spirituality: she abandoned herself to God's will in the present and recieved the grace to do what God asked of her.
What is God asking you to do? It may be something magnificent, or something ordinary. It may be to respond actively to a command of scripture, or to submit patiently to present suffering. "What God arranges for us to experience at each moment is the holiest thing that could happened to us," commented the 18th century writer Jean-Pierre de caussade.
Are you able to accept each moment with grace and submission Can you respond to the lord as mary said to the angel, "Let it be to me according to your word"?
May we learn the blessed secret
Of delighting in your will,
Welcoming whate'er You send us,
Joy or sorrow, good or ill.---Anon.
To know God's will is a treasure;
To do God's will is a previlege.
Friday, December 23, 2005 @Friday, December 23, 2005
-Promises aren't meant to be broken~-
hey all! ok am' finally back to blog again. haha. it's been few days since I last blog. ((: alright. Christmas's round the corner!! woohoo!~ *1 more day* ((:
Alright! back to what happened for me today. Ok. Me rejected many dates today. argh. *sad* Mel asked me to go vian's christmas party. I can't go. qian, min, ning, nette, waeting asked me to go east coast. turned them down too! X/ so bad huh? haiss... X/ *so sorry peeps* Hopefully,I just hoped that this year's christmas would be an unforgettable one. ((; Nvm. there's always sunday and schdays k? =P
Ok! am' gonna head to church early in the morning tmr!! JJ's will be there. Got to get signatures from him which was asked from my friends. and currently am' holding on to 2 albums of his. haha. got to ask to sign loads. wahaha. lyrics too. wahaha.. XD
haha.. ok! here's some pic we took during our SCCO camp 2005 ((:

haha... well, just look at qian's pillow! wahaha... =P

written by tng tng!>_

written by me!! ((:

nette wrote that shit thingy wahaha..

min wrote this! meng nan? wahaha.. =_=
Sunday, December 18, 2005 @Sunday, December 18, 2005
-To let go?-
Hey! It's big time here for me today! X/ alright! Was back from camp ytd. Finally! XD And I went out straight after the camp too. X/ Went to the church first then headed for bbq with them. Met alot of new friends! ((: haha.. I can clearly rmb that *Kai lun* haha. XD Cos' we were eating bbq mashmellow then. haha. Err. I accidentally dropped mine onto her shirt then! XD HAHA. Bet she definitely does rmb me! oh ya. Btw, she's 20. haha. Though she looked younger. haha.
Oh ya!! I still rmb we were the last to reach and the first to leave. haha. so bad huh? XD can't help it then. alright. We played ice-breakers and followed by taking random pick of cards to c who got the highest and lowest of cards were being punished to eat the leftovers. haha. But luckily! am' safe! haha. Ok. Know that *september*, well, in fact his real name is augustine. haha. I only know that he've got nice spike hair.In fact, way too far for him to cut that kind of hairstyle! He dyed it golden brown too! but it's nice ar. haha. ((: guess wd? he's only 15! haha. thought he's 17 or 19 then. haha. LOL. ok. Crazy him. forced us not to leave first. he even served us each with chairs!! LOL. haha. he's friendly arz. ok. he went to ask althea for mx's num. haha. He asked us to go church again today! but, am' tired. haha. next time bahx. c first ba. alright, let's not talk abt him anymore~~~
I was terribly sick when I went out then. haha. It was worst when I came back home then. haha. Mx came and overnight at my place. Ok. then she was like crapping on the fone all day long. from midnight 1am- 4am. LOL~ and am' like so dead by then. resting on my bed. smsing. waiting for reply and calls too. I rmb how tired i was. But persisted. stupid me X/ *rolling my eyes* My eyes were tired too. But still held on! and was online then.
OK. haha. slept at 3:30am then. XD. am' deranged right? haha. X/ It will be the first and the last time ba. (((((((((((((((((:
@Sunday, December 18, 2005
-Back from CO camp!!-
Alright!! ok! am finally back from swiss co camp!! haha.. Err.Well, I simply have so many sleepless night then. Couldn't sleep well too. without my bed!! argh! Gosh! I could still rmb it was like hell then. argh! We slept in the classrms. haha. Was kinda *high* when I get to change rm to qian and min's rm. wahaha.. We had so much fun then. ((X
I misses my bed so much then!! haha... We had intensive training then. Kept on practising and practising!! NOn-stop hit!~ haha. XD
Hmph. I didnt did well for my internal music exchange! argh! It was so saddening and frustrating then!! X/ well, let's just not talk abt it anymore. *rolling my eyes*
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 @Tuesday, December 13, 2005
-For he had chosen you!-
Trust is a very fragile thing. Difficult to win. Easy to lose. Not something we can simply ask for. It must be earned- not by what we say, but by what we do. Jesus knew that. And throughout every moment of his life- and in every detail of his death- he worked tirelessly to earn our trust. Even his final act on earth was intended to prove his worthy of that trust.
Thank god! I trust you! ((:
Sunday, December 11, 2005 @Sunday, December 11, 2005
-Get lost-
Alright!! Who would actually want some "busybody" to intrude into their own privacy? LOL! Well, like I said, I'll definitely make that people cry and beg to me for forgiven when they really does that!~ *Grin* Argh!~ For like umpteeth times, I hatred *them* so much~ Get lost and mind your own business!! Can't you do something better than these? Wasting all your time, trying to squeeze out something out from me? LOL. Dream on!~ I wont want to waste my breathe on such useless bums~
Emm... Well, oh ya one thing! Please for goodness sake!~ Please stop that arrogance look of that idiotic face of yours! It simply annoyed me! Haha.. Trying all your ways to act *nice* and *high-class*!! OMG!! am' gonna *PUKE* Look yourself into the mirror then!~
Alright! Whatever it is, am' actually being so NICE not to announced who's those ppl alright? ((:
Saturday, December 10, 2005 @Saturday, December 10, 2005
-Back from Sentosa-
For no particular reasons, I've just changed back my blogskin!! haha... Well, decided that this blogskin is the best-looking one of all!! (:
Alright! Went to Sentosa on fri! My cousin booked Shangri-La hotel for us then. It was facing the sea then! hoo!~ The seaviewing was great then! We went to played at the siloso bench then! haha.. It was really fun then! haha.. I simply love the siloso bench so much then! The bench there wasn't as dirty and damp as the pasir ris then!~ Wahaha!! Come to think of it, it was really fun then. Guess wd? We even went to swim at the Shangri-la hotel's swimming pool after our bodies full of sand!! haha.. We were all not dressed up with swimming costume/bikinis then!~But we just swam! haha.. The security guards saw us! But he didnt bothered to care us so much! haha.. It was really really enjoyable!!
Hmm... I was finally back home from Sentosa and I was extremely exhausted then. I could still remembered how tired I was on fri night, well I shall say almost midnight. Emm...Probably around 12:30? haha... I simply can't stand ovenighting at the hotel with everyone cramp into a room~ I need my own bed!~ haha... Well, my dad came to fetch me home!! Woo!! haha... I was so happy then. Haha.. I misses my cosy bed and bloster so much!! *huggs huggs* haha... (:
Hmm.. well, I reached home around 1:15am! yepps! Well, I was so tired then! Couldn't afford not to let myself to have a good night rest then. =P haha... Was so tired that I doze off without even replying my sms. XD
Alright. Recently, was wondering and having random thoughts all the time. Even when am' gonna have my beauty sleep!! Pondering. Wondering. Hesitating. Thorough thinking~ Cracking my whole mind!! I need a clear mind right now! X/
For wdever reason?! I just felt like so much like a princess currently!! HAHA!! forgive me for these illusions~ But it's the truth!!~~~ haha... =P Thanks GOD for bringing me into this lovely world!! ((:

Sunsets at Sentosa!!

Nice pic! (:

Lovely sunsets
Monday, December 05, 2005 @Monday, December 05, 2005
- Guitar~-
Woohoo!~ Well, ytd was like there's ups and down. haha... Was really happy when I get to learn guitar. It was splendid! But was really sad when I can't meet *ahem*. Hmm... I dunno was I too over-sensitive or mayb some others things are bothering me. I dunno. Just hope that it doesn't affect me ((: I told myself, it's history and hope not to talk abt it anymore~ obviously who would actually wanna get involved betweeen them? X/ It's like history. I told myself, to believe. trust!! ((: Cos I realize am' a strong believer~ haha.. =P Rawk on girl!! I know euu can do it!! ((: *cheers* and *smile*
Friday, December 02, 2005 @Friday, December 02, 2005
- *cherishing euu*-
Heyy!! alright... Hmm... well, decided not to use the cbox any more as it doesn't suits my blog... haha.. XD alright. Went to bugis with my mx today. Was so tired then. Hmm.. bought christmas prezzies for *them* haha... =P Hmm... wonder wd mine will be like? haha.. *thinking*
Thursday, December 01, 2005 @Thursday, December 01, 2005
Heyy all!~ haha... Alright... Jing shi reminded me it's ah di's HONG DOU~ haha.. Right Jing Shi? haha... ((: *hi-5*
Alright!! Recently, things for me, just happened so fast. Wow~ And it's the *3 days* le... ((: haha.. love ya. *hugss*