Monday, September 26, 2005 @Monday, September 26, 2005
Part 3
I decided to take a shortcut home but as I passed the alley, a hand pulled me in. I was knocked to the ground and a shadow hovered over me. I began to scream but the same hand covered my mouth.
"Shut up or I'll kill you!"
I shut my mouth instantly. I didn't want to die yet. In the moon's reflection I got a good look of my attacker. It was a boy who looked a little bit older than me. His face and clothes were dirty but he had really good features so I could tell he was extremely good-looking. But this was not a time to think about such things.
He held a table knife at my throat and said, "Give me all your money or I'll kill you." I panicked but I knew what to do. I used the move I wanted to use on my step mom every time she pinned me down and hit me. I kicked him hard right into his family jewels. He gasped and fell to the floor, dropping the knife. I picked up my groceries and ran.
I guess you can call me the dumbest person alive. I was afraid I had kicked the boy too hard and permanently damaged him. Besides, since my life is hell already, I didn't want him to go through it too. So I turned back.
When I came back to the alley, the boy was still lying on the floor. He was moaning softly. I lifted him up gently. "Are you okay?" I asked. He shook his head no. "I'm sorry," I said to him. I reached into my pocket and pulled the money Mr. Choi gave me. "If you need money, then here. All I have is ten dollars."
I placed the money in his hand and walked away. He looked at me with this weird expression that I couldn't read. I picked up my groceries and this time I left without turning back. I could tell the boy was watching me as I was walking away..
@Monday, September 26, 2005
heyy! here's the second part of the romantic story:
Part 2
October 31, 1993
"You better come back here you good for nothing brat!"
I covered my ears with my palms. That was my stepmother calling me. Her voice sounds murderous and I didn't want to face her today. She had slapped and hit me too much already. I'm afraid I can't take it anymore so I hid in my closet. I peeked through the crack in my closet and saw my step mom with a really pissed off look on her face. She was holding that stick that I'm always afraid of. I winced thinking about how much it would hurt if she hits me with it again. I'm just thirteen and whoever said 13 was an unlucky number, they were right. My mom had died when I was just turning ten. Before she died she told me that I was the most beautiful girl in the world and how proud she was to be my mother. She said even though she'll be gone, her love is with me always.
Tears rolled down my cheeks. 'If you love me mommy, how can you be so selfish to leave me?' So now when I had turn 13 my dad had married Mok Young A, who is my step mom today. She was a cold-hearted woman who tortured me all day. Any self-esteem I had for myself was shattered and I was living a nightmare.
My closet door suddenly opened. "There you are you wicked girl!" My step mom started cussing at me as she pulled me out and threw me onto the floor. I began to tremble because I knew what was going to happen next.
*Whack whack whack.*
I cried out in pain but I knew that no one is going to hear my cries. I desperately began to gasp for air. My heart was aching again. I couldn't breathe.
"Not again! Don't you see how much you're costing your father and me with your heart problems? If it wasn't for all these medical bills we wouldn’t be so poor now!"
I had this heart condition where air would suddenly shut off and I couldn't breathe. The doctors are trying to save me by giving me a respirator and pills, but they're not sure how much longer I'll be able to live. My dad (who was a pathetic excuse for a man) came in.
He looked down at me with sorrowful eyes. He held my step mom's arm lightly and said, "I think she had enough. You don't want her to have another attack. Calm down and let's have dinner."
"That's why I'm hitting her!" she yelled. "She got detention and stayed after school for an hour. She was supposed to be home to go buy food for dinner and make it. Your daughter is so evil. She wants me to starve or something!"
"I didn't get detention. The teacher wanted to talk to me about-"
But I was cut off by the whack of my step mom's stick. I cried silently in pain and turned away. I didn't want to look at her. My dad said, "Well, dinner's just going to be a little late today. Mina, say sorry to your mom."
Despite the pain, I managed to say, "Sorry mom. Please forgive me."
My dad handed me some money. "Here. Go buy food to make mee-yuk-gook tonight." My step mom's temper simmered down a little as my dad lead her out of my room.
I picked up the money and headed for the store. Mr. Choi, the owner of Choi Food Market, shook his head as I walked in. He knew what kind of hell I was going through. I finished my shopping and checked out.
"That'll be $3.49."
"What?" I asked. "Umm...Mr. Choi. That's impossible. With all this stuff it should be around $15."
"I know Mina." Mr. Choi gave me a sad smile. "The exact price is $14.32. Why don't you keep the change for yourself?"
I opened my mouth in shock. "Mr. Choi...I..I can't do that," I said as I handed him 20.
He only took five. "No. Keep it. I know that step mom of yours don't give you any money."
I looked up at Mr. Choi with tears in my eyes. Here he was, just a friend reaching out to me. I said thanks and headed for home.
Saturday, September 24, 2005 @Saturday, September 24, 2005
[True love never has an ending_xxxx]
Heyy! i've have read something really nice and touching today... It's really meaningful... Unforgettable one instead... here the first part:
Part 1
June 17, 1999
My name is Mina Nam. I'm 19, still very young, but I am dying. Not right now but my life is slowly fading away as I'm writing my story. At this moment I'm sitting at 'out' spot. Mine and Eun Ji Won, the love of my life.
The sun is slowly beginning to set over the lake. I took a glance at my reflection in the water. My outside looks have changed drastically within the past few months, but the water reflected the true me. Inside I'm still the same person.
I have done and given so much for love but never once, have I received it back from Ji Won. There are times that I wanted to tell him everything that I've done for him and make him love me back. But I can't. Love is not selfish.
So I did what felt right. I keep giving Ji Won my love and I never asked for his love in return. Even though I'll leave this world pretty soon, my love for him will still remain. My story begins when I first met Ji Won six years ago on this one fateful day. It all started out...
ok.. i'll blogg the second part the next time... stay turn... X)) remember to treasure ur loves ones.... (gf, bf,families, friends, teachers...) cos they are all important...... =))
Friday, September 23, 2005 @Friday, September 23, 2005
-To leave or to stay... ...-
She knew that she had went thru lots and she finally knew what's growing up... to forgive and to forget... Many a time, she tried to do soul-searching, whether or not her life is spent usefully or not... And whether or not her love that is being return... She has live a blissful life cos she knows lots of good peeps, whose always there for her. Sometimes, she could hardly see her own reflections... And here some thing about she thought recently:
She like him. Or rather, she loves him wholeheartedly. For who he is and not. It really has been a good imaginations or rather illusions. For her to know him. For 2 years, she hasn't notice him. Not his skills that charmed her. But his smile* =)) that ever-lasting one. She somehow don't know how she got into these mess. But all she wants is to see his smile and she indulge in it. He tingles up her spines whenever he is to smile. Just a smile and sight of him. Is that call LOVE? She wishes to be with him. But think it's hopeless and useless.
Sometimes, she gets really restless. And distracted by his sight suddenly. But had to keep reminding herself that she cant indulge into it and had to stay focus on the task that she is given to do. He is living in his own world, happily. Probably his arms on another girl. She just wants the best of him, and most importantly, to be happy. =)) From that, she is certained that she loves him.
She smiles sweetly at his silly jokes. Although, it's not humorous she still laugh and giggled. Not at his silly jokes but *him*. And *L-O-V-E just flashes into her head... Receiting *I DON'T LIKE HIM. NO I LOVE HIM. NO I CAN'T. I CAN'T. I REALLY CAN'T. and WHAT THE HACK AM I DOING?!* She runs off. Thinking that she shouldnt have indulge into it too much. She avoided him. Just when their eyes met*, She looked away. Thinking that it's hopeless and useless. Athough, she felt slight happy, but she always get things right back into her mind. Thinking that it's just one of her wishful thoughts. NO! she don't wishes to talk about it anymore...
It's still love. Whether or not, it's being accepted.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005 @Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Arrrggg!~ Guess what? My mum just called me!! Woohoo~ she was like asking me what brand mp[3] i want! And she says that she's buying for me! woohoo~ Then i was like describing what kind of mp3 i desire... Then she was like... woah... So complicating! I'll bring you out one day to see your Mp[3]! haha... yay!! X)) hmmm.. I told her it's best if it's the *ipod* haha.. Guess what she says? woah.. it's so expensive... $500+ lorr... OOps! haha.. Didnt i just emphasize it's BEST IF IT'S *IPOD* HAHA... nvm.. then i'll have creative one then.. haha.. the one with 4kB. i don't know... wait till i really get to the department store... haha... *Grinning* woohoo... X)) haha... I'm going insane now... way too happy!~ X))
Next next next ------>> Follow up on what happened today... haha... X)) ok... No remedial for my class today!! Woohoo~ X)) finally one day of wed rest! We're free on wed! haha... *grinning* woohoo~ hmmm.. kkay, next the bad thingy... arrgg.. went to min's class today... ok... their class was so rude! They were receiting me to shoo off... haha.. but lucky some of friends turn them off.. SHOOO~! wahahah... =P you deserve it... That's all for today... stay motivated okkay... X)) Jia you!~ X))
*<33, Nat
Sunday, September 18, 2005 @Sunday, September 18, 2005
new *pic* cousin was so fun... wahaha.. went to lakeholmz (condo) so celebrate mid-autumn festival... wahaha.. it was great.. so funn.. many ppl were there... bbq there too... ate loads of thing.. wahahaa.. growing fat le.. haha.. anyway, nitex.. i'm tire.. =)) beauty slp..
Friday, September 16, 2005 @Friday, September 16, 2005

*ipod* cool huh? haha... hope to get one soon... =)) (beaming) *grinning*
@Friday, September 16, 2005
heyy! Back here to blogg again... aww... well3, tmr's min's birthday! wishing herr a happy birthday!~ haha... well, we did went out to celebrate... we went to jurong point... haha.. it's was kind of *Craps day* for us... firstly, min's birthday presents was like wrapped up with many many
*newspaper! wahaha... damn funny... couldnt help myself from laughing so much... wahaha... she kept on opening and opening non-stop.. wahaha.. 3 presents, all wrapped up with newspaper.. wahaha.. I simply just lurve the present we gave herr..'s a real soft and huggable bear.. wahaha.. qian n i took turns to hug it all day long today... wahaha.... we went to eat long john silver... cos i was so broked then.. wahaha... haha.., cos i was like spending many bucks on my contact lens and some cream or something liddat... guess wd? next, we headed to the toyR.. wahaha.. we played like kids that *NEVER* play with toys before.. wahaha.. i was like -dead- today.. way too tired... =)) haha.. anyway, got to complete my hmwk today... =)) haha.. braagggg....
you_ my ever-lasting addictions =X
Thursday, September 15, 2005 @Thursday, September 15, 2005
heyy! i'm back here!! hmmm... well... i have only got today to blogg as exams are roound the corner!! and i'm way too busy to blog too... unless there's any special occasion for me to blog about.. hmm.. well3.. have got loads of hmwk to do... revision all the way... Havent really got a time t sleep well too.. except ytd! haha.. slept really early ytd! but guess wd? still not enough of sleep. haha... ok... was really kind of mood swing recently, as i'm way to restless and tire to even do anything... ok except for watching tv and playing com and shopping.. HAHA... i was like giving loads of ppl *AP* oops!~ couldnt help it though... hmph... i knew that was really bad... but who cares? I'm at the stage of myself ready for exams, which i am not... aww... get this real girl!!! hmm... next next... coming up... min's birthday present!! haha... aww... bought it already? still have not bought it? haha.. ok.. it's all up to euu!! *Min* haha... gonna turn 15 le... =PP same with us... euu n longer have to say that you are younger than us le... wahahaa.. what craps am i talking about? hmm... anyway, just hope that you would like the gift dar! =)) ok... signing off to wish you happy birthday in advance!! =)) cheers..
<33*Natt =))
Sunday, September 11, 2005 @Sunday, September 11, 2005
hey! can you really imagine how someone's trys so hard to imitate you in everything that you do? omg! no sense of originality? i think you ought to look yourself into the mirror... sly and totally weird person? gosh! and stop trying to act like you really care!!~ I don't give a damn!
Friday, September 09, 2005 @Friday, September 09, 2005

Hey! get this straight! Nat!! you really ought to learn how to keep yourself stay *FOCUS*
hmm... thinking back now... i've really spent lots and lots of time slacking at home and left lots of assignments not yet completed! Exams are near!! and what on earth am i doing at home? hmph... i really ought to learn how spend my time wisely... Alright, i know it's useless of me scolding myself now and then... i need the sense of urgency in me now... "Exams are round the corner!! gonna work hard" stay towards my goals!! remember that? >_< No matter what, no matter when, stay focus and strive far... I believe one day i will achieve that!! =)) hmmm... heyy pals/ side kicks reading my blog now... althought i knew that i sounded really stressed up.... just leave me alone!! it's ok... i still can handle it myself... i'm just trying to vent my angry... STRESS IS PART OF ME... AND I LURVE BEING STRESS!! =)) haha...
Wednesday, September 07, 2005 @Wednesday, September 07, 2005
[*New pic*]
woohoo~! just uploaded my pic taken 2 days ago!! haha... hmm... only knew that my hair's damn messy... haha... hmm... it looked kind of curly... haha.. hmm... ok... thinking of doing wd ltr... hmm.. i'll try to complete my maths assignment!! have to hand up tmr!! awww..
damn it!! hmph... ok... currently slacking at home... surfing the nets...
will update again soon... probably ltr... brb..
*Nat, <33>
Monday, September 05, 2005 @Monday, September 05, 2005
whee~ I'M back!! haha...
ok... well3... hmm.. nth much special or mermorable happened today!!
am' just glad to announced that i've completed my time plan!!
woohoo!!~ MAD GURL!~
whahahaha... nvm.. who cares?
hmm.. ok... got up really really early recently..
slept LATE but woke up EARLY!! Amazing huh?
well, i've yt to complete my hmwk...
loads of it...
i didnt even started on my eng oral thingy and compre.
wahahaha. tmr i'll be doin that...
>_< haha..
ok... nth to blogg abt...
right nw chatting wuth that two side-kicks..
qian, min...
sadly, without ning...
probably, she's not online yt...
ok.. i'm bored.. bye...
<3, Natt
Friday, September 02, 2005 @Friday, September 02, 2005
hee` ok.. i'm back here to update my blog!!
hmm.. ok.. a great day indeed... This time round here comes the jubilant me... =))
haha.. obviously DIFFERENT from a few DAYS before... =))
Glad that i was out the whole day... haha...
went shopping and relax myself with my mates tooday...
They're really great buds... haha... *cos they're willing to wait for me for whole 1 hr!!*
haha... ok.. i'm not LATE! but went back home to bath instead of meeting them up straight after sch... haha... cos i've have got to clear my desk, before dust comes and visit my books!! haha...
see? i took such great care for my books!! ;)) haha...
whee~ ok... went to jurong east interchange to meet qian, min, ning... haha.. gosh! kept them waiting for me for the whole 1 hr... Oops! sorry guys!! =)) haha.. know that euu would forgive me? =P haha... went to orchard... haha.. whee~ bought lots of tibits for myself to go thru the 1 wk holidays at home.. =P haha... gonna start doing my homework... haha.. but not tooday!! =P haha... hmm.. whee~ got my three months contact lens le!! =P haha.. gosh.. it cost me to give my pocket $.... haha.. nvm.. it's still all worth it.. as long as i'm contented... i'm happy about that... =)) haha... bought a braclet too... yepps.. spent $50 bucks... haha... oops.. hmmm... but nvm... as long as i'm happy... haha.. chill out girls... luve ya loads.. we rawks!! =)) haha..
*Nat, <3