Wednesday, August 31, 2005 @Wednesday, August 31, 2005
here to update my blogg..
ok... went to Media Corp tday..
wif qian, ling, sq and the higher mother tongue pupils and some others... miss lam was there too...
International chinese debate!!
quite funn and interesting for the first few parts..
but boring at the *shooting part*( talk too fast!! haha..)
couldnt catch what they talk about...
hmm... felt totally restless in class tdaay..
except for the meeting of seniors...
and spending time to the media corp..
tests and tests all the way...
if i continue to *sigh* i'll grow old de... *sobb*
i'm tire...
i'm tire...
i'm tire...
of hearting <3 euu....
Monday, August 29, 2005 @Monday, August 29, 2005
made two great friends today...
Jun and jing..
went lot one wif tem and min..
guess wd?
saw someone tad i puke..
ok.. Loathe..
Tad twin..
eek.. they're disgusting..
obviously i saw them, i just walked away..
pretended i didnt saw tem..
those two bitches and gossipers..
they were my RIVALS SINCE PRI SKUL..
eeek.. worst bunch of pathetic fools..
*rolling my eyes*
haha.. =P
cos euu deserve it urself..
serve euu right!!
superman:::::my heart <3 is wif euu all along...
but euu didnt try noticing it...
the only thing tad i could do ish to let euu go...
Sunday, August 28, 2005 @Sunday, August 28, 2005

went to Sentosa ytd!!
well3, it's a last min plann.. haha
went to watch te musical fountain..
yepps.. it's kiddi entertaining only for the the
*FIRE* part..
haha.. and of cos for the ending only..
had dinner at my granddad's hs before we went tO sentosa...
*burp Burp*
was kiddi *down* for te pass few days..
sort of Mood swing..
hmm.. ok.. right nw heading to my uncle's hs..
Saturday, August 27, 2005 @Saturday, August 27, 2005

Torrents of tears rolled down my cheeks...
Can euu feel the fear i had in me??
The fear of being left alonne?
The fear of being isolated?
The fear of being lose out?
The fear of being deleted from ur memory?
The fear of losing myself?
The fear of facing the reality?
The fear of facing tmr?
The fear of being eliminated without even stepping into the contests?
The anxiety that have all inside me??
The way i tried all my best to do something to benefit myself??
The way how i tried to strive in everything i do??
i HEART *<33 ME!!!~ =))
*Smilz.. =)))
Friday, August 26, 2005 @Friday, August 26, 2005
feel very very depress nw...
i dunno why i would feel this way..
hmmm.. mayb it's becos i'm tire??
listening to derrick's song nw...
he sings really niice i should sayy... veryy niice and with emotions..
haha.. *thumbs up*
hmm.. a pity tad he's being eliminated.. =((
*siiick* tdayyy
soo wont be gg to co tmr...
i'll tire..
loads of hmwk n tests nt yt complete...
unmended heart...
to move on with life....
show mee the meaning of life...
<33, Natt*
Sunday, August 14, 2005 @Sunday, August 14, 2005
alright.. i'm currently at my cousin's hs...SLACKING!!~
hmm.. haha.. glad tad i done my hmwk le.. whee~
haha.. mayb will be watchin te maid ltr.. whee~
but scare tad mummy wont allow.. *sob*
cos i've been watchin 2 muvies this wk oreadi..
wahahaha.. gg to broke le..
hmm.. had lunch at mx' hs..
hmm.. well, tmr's there's POA test!!!~
gerneral Jounral..!!
hope tad it's a easy 1...
hmmm.. looking forward to ltr!!
right nw, i'm B.T.D.- BORED TO DEATH!!
haha.. ok.. dunn noee wd to tagg le..
*Nat, <3
Saturday, August 13, 2005 @Saturday, August 13, 2005
guess wd? after mel's incident, i've started to change my interest in sunn-tanning..
oops!! euu' should hab c mel's face..
it's lyk swelling, red, painful
i felt reali sadd fer her to c her in tad state..
hmm.. ok.. so ther go my thoughts of sunn-tanning.. HAHA!!
next next next!!
haha.. ok.. another thing!!
i've got my addidas water bottle*(pink)
whee~ thnx lovely dear yanteenngg! =))
hmm.. guess wd? saw mx todayy at lot one..
haha.. almost every wk!!
mayb she shouldnt go out tad often and stay at home to rest..
and hope tad she's not leading astray outside..
and so po-po n uncle wont be TAD WORRY ABt her
Next next, follow by.
arrggg.. CO todaee..
i wasnt so myself todayy
i expected it to be a good dayy.. but it turn out to be a bad one instead..
couldnt play most of te songs that well.. =((
t-cha was there too.. beside mi, i should say..=((
sadly, my yh and xh can play even better than mi.. =((
ok.. i've got to work hard.. =))
fri go for junior orchestra to prac it myself.. hee` =))
ok.. so i saw tad john today..
at last, i noee who he ishh..
saw him at lot one.. he said "hi"
hmm.. haha.. ok.. right nw im lyk updating all those past recent things tad happened these few days..
too many to mention abt..
wheE~ saw Leya today..
haha.. she changed lotsa..
no longer te boyish her..
brand new gurl!!
hee`.. happy for herr
toking to yuishen while updating my blogg..
well3.. i dunno wd to update le.. haha..
kkay.. oh.. ya.. didnt saw him todayy..
unlyk last two wks..
so, from tad, i can c tad 我们没缘份..
*Nat, <3
Thursday, August 11, 2005 @Thursday, August 11, 2005
ALRIGHT!! EUU FAILED MY TEST!! Scoring 1/10 tad's reali bad huh?
euu scored 1 marks cos euu tried to make things right..
- 5 marks cos euu NEGLECTED MI..
- 1 mark cos euu say something reali reali scared mi off!! Shoo.. get lostt!!~
- 2 marks cos i found out actually euu aren't TAD chic..
-1 mark cos for penalty.. didnt tell mi exactly wd place we're gg.. no sense of organisation!!
and so ther goes ur 9 marks.. too bad..!!
alright.. got my geo test todayy.. whee~ haha.. i pass.. yepps.. got distinction!! haha..
ok.. then my maths test i passed too.. haha
hmm.. hab got maths tmr again!! arrggg..
ok.. alright.. right nw.. there's a stupid fellow who kept smsing mi and perstering mi..
eekk!!! ok.. euu noee when euu dunn even noee tad person well and he kept perstering euu..
and i got reali reali annoyed.. shoo off.. euu assshole...
he told mi he's under my blk and wanna meet right nw..
ok.. euu better stop tad or esle i'm gonna scold euu right into ur face when i see euu in skul or in the bus or WDEVER!!
and ur methods cannot worked.. so stop using it..
hmm.. ok.. loads of thins happened today.. qian and min worn-out..
and i do nt wished to tok abt it any longer..
ok.. i dunn misss anyone except for my qian nw.. cos i wished to give herr a helping hands..
=)) cheers la.. *smilz..
min.. euu also arz.. muz takkire, =)), friends4ever!!
ok.. gtg do my hmwk le.. =)) good luck for my test tmr.. dear god!! euu got to bless mi kkay.. =)) thks loads *hugs*
*<3, Nat
Sunday, August 07, 2005 @Sunday, August 07, 2005
Hmph.. alright! i'm back here to update my blogg againn!!
My day ish extremely bored!!
yeah! tmr's te day!! haha!! been looking forward to National day celebration!!
haha.. hmm.. can c him and sing all the national songs!!!
haha.. wonder if our muvies will be a sucessful one..
haha.. *wink* ;)) haha
hmm.. ok.. heard tad loads of ppl wont be gg to skul tmr!
aww.. too bad.. they reali miss out loads of funn
it's rare celebrating national day once a yr only..
therefore, i wont wann to miss it..
hmm.. min, mel's not gg..
ok.. qian's graduatin next yr..
it's a rare chance to be together euu noee..
hmm.. y dunn they just join in te funn?
nvm.. different ppl hab got different mindset
dunn worry.. i'll treasure every moment wib euu.. =))
qian.. qian qian. haa.. hmm.. ;)) oops.. i become les le
haha.. alright.. JK..
went to lot one today..
went there to get my sport shoes, but too bad..
cant find any that suits my expectations..
hmm.. guess wd? my mum drove mi and my cousin there..
waahahahaha.. we REALI had a hard time gettin in and out of the car park kkay..
recently, many people went to our view our hs..
cos my parent tot of moving our hs to a condo!!
WHEE~~~ 3 cheers n 3 cheers n 3 cheers for mummmy
hahahaha.. yeahh.. then i can go swimming, gym.. whee!! haha
ok.. *zip back to te reality*--> nt yt.. haha..
hmm.. ok.. but i guess i'll sur miss my *current hs*..
especially, my rm and study rm. =((
ok.. anyway, gtg to do my maths le.. do abit then hab my beauty slp!!!~~~
nitezx.. *muacckkk*
Nat, *<3
Friday, August 05, 2005 @Friday, August 05, 2005
You can change your life, if you wanted
You can change your face, if you wanted
You can change your mind, well that's the way it goes
it's over, let it go
and come tomorrow, we will see
So yesterday, so yesterday
I am just a bird that's already flown away
Laugh it off and let it go
and when you wake up, we will see
So yesterday, so yesterday!
Haven't you heard that I am gonna be okay
You could say your bored, (if you wanna)
You could say act real tough, if you wanna
You could say your torn, but I've heard enough
Thank you, you have made my mind up for me when you started to ignore me
Don't you see a single tear, it isn't gonna happen here
At least not today, not today, not today
If you're over me, I am already over you
If it's all been done, what is left to do
How can you hang up, if the line is dead
If you wanna walk out a step ahead,
If you movin' on
I am already gone
If the light is off, then it isn't on
Nat, <3